Middle East

More than 600 visitors and one million views of the Sustainable Room at the Mohammed bin Rashid Center for Islamic Culture

Dubai, May 16 / WAM / The Sustainable Knowledge Room at the Mohammed bin Rashid Center for Islamic Culture, affiliated with the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai, was visited by more than 600 visitors from schools, government and private agencies, scholars and new Muslims, and achieved more than a million views on social media sites. Social.

The department established the first sustainable knowledge room at the Mohammed bin Rashid Center for Islamic Culture, as the center is a beacon of civilizational, cultural, religious and educational radiance in the emirate.

The Sustainable Knowledge Room project is concerned with integrating cognitive content into the latest technological means of education, so that the recipient is immersed in a 360-degree interactive virtual world, using his senses and being part of the content of the event.
Shamsa bin Shafie, Head of the Learners’ Affairs Department in the management of the Mohammed bin Rashid Center for Islamic Culture, said that the room provides information through the interaction of the recipient, stimulating the characteristic and skill of learning, and making him part of the information and not just as a listener, with the aim of making a change in educating society and the recipients through an advanced means of education. The religious chamber keeps pace with the contemporary generation and its requirements for technological and scientific development, as the chamber uses the means of virtual worlds to link religious content with modern technology in an interactive manner. It is an Islamic societal system centered on the quality of human life.
The Chamber uses the language of communication to promote and disseminate the values ​​of Islamic culture through religious educational material that is suitable for all languages ​​with developed educational methods that rely on delivering information so that the recipient can sense the content presented as if he were part of the event, ensuring that the information reaches him in an easy and advanced manner.

The room will be used for the purposes of education, training, religious events, etc., using the best technological means suitable for all age groups. It will be an opportunity for everyone to enter our virtual world of knowledge and be part of our stories and knowledge journeys.

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  • Source of information and images “wam

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