Middle East

Reform and renaissance: Supporting civil society institutions as partners for development is essential

Hisham Abdel Aziz, Chairman of the Reform and Ennahda Party, praised the National Alliance for Civil and Development Action’s continued efforts to support the neediest families in Egypt, in addition to its unlimited support in providing humanitarian and relief aid to the Gaza Strip, describing what the coalition is doing as a “heroic epic.”



Abdulaziz added that everything the coalition is doing is a practical translation of the concept of “social cohesion,” which reflects the role of social and humanitarian responsibility. For civil society, in light of the new republic, as one of the most important sides of the development triangle alongside the public and private sector.


Hisham pointed out that the professional, effective, and continuous performance of the coalition is a reflection of the concept of "networking" Among the active institutions in civil society, which doubles the positive impact of civil society work, as efforts are combined to achieve an effective impact instead of scattering civil society efforts, which was a negative feature of civil society work during the past decades in Egypt. 


The head of the Reform and Ennahda Party stressed that supporting civil society as a partner for development is a necessary matter, which the political leadership has been keen on and must continue to ensure the achievement of social justice and the provision of humanitarian aid, in a way that lifts the burdens from the shoulders of the most needy citizens on the one hand, In addition to helping the Egyptian state achieve development on the other hand.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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