Middle East

The Mufti of the Republic receives a delegation from the presidency of the Evangelical community to congratulate Eid al-Fitr

Dr. Shawqi Allam – Mufti of the Republic, Head of the General Secretariat of Fatwa Houses and Bodies in the World – received a high-level delegation from the Egyptian Evangelical community headed by Rev. Dr. Andre Zaki, Head of the Evangelical Community in Egypt. To extend congratulations on the occasion of the approaching Eid al-Fitr.


His Eminence the Mufti stressed during the meeting that such meetings are a model of sincere brotherhood and love between the two wings of Egypt, and honestly express the extent of cohesion between the people of Egypt. One homeland, affection and integration between Egyptian religious institutions for the sake of the elevation and stability of our beloved homeland.


His Eminence added that we are in dire need of deepening this interconnectedness, integration and cooperation in order to overcome what our Egypt is facing. Beloved from Challenges, expressing his great pride in visiting and congratulating Dr. Pastor Andre Zaki and his accompanying delegation on the blessed Eid Al-Fitr.


For his part, Dr. Pastor Andre Zaki, head of the Evangelical community in Egypt, said: "We congratulate His Eminence the Mufti and all Egyptians on the blessed Eid al-Fitr, and we are very proud of the relationship of sincere love from the heart with the Mufti of Egypt," adding that Dar al-Iftaa plays a major role in establishing moderation, moderation, and maintaining societal peace, through its status and its mission to enlighten Egyptians.


The head of the Evangelical community in Egypt expressed his confidence in the ability of political will and cooperation among Egyptian state institutions to overcome the challenges facing our country in order to cross to safety and achieve greater stability.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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