Middle East

"Journalists" Celebrates the 82nd anniversary of the establishment of the union

Journalist Khaled Al-Balashi, head of the Journalists Syndicate, said: Today I have two contradictory feelings, the feeling of celebrating an ancient and great union, and another feeling in the face of the greatest humanitarian crime, and what is happening to the Palestinian people amidst international silence.

Al-Balshi added, we are facing a celebration. 83 years have passed since the founding of the Journalists Syndicate, and another day in commemoration of Land Day for the Palestinian people, as part of a series of revolutions and rejection of the Zionist occupation. Here we defend the land as we defend freedom, for Egypt and Palestine are united by the glorification of freedom.

Al-Balshi clarified that March 31 is not Only  The date of the founding of the Journalists Syndicate, in fact, is the date of the first press freedom demonstration held in Egypt, so the meeting of the two dates today is a message for freedom of the press and the liberation of the homelands.

Al-Balshi paid tribute to the steadfastness of the heroic Palestinian people and to our fellow Palestinian journalists, and I demand that we stand up to this international complicity and cut off All relations with this Nazi entity, we have seen the rise of more than 33 thousand martyrs and more than 2 million displaced persons, and these numbers have unreported stories behind them. In the West, despite all this destruction, there are still those who defend their most basic rights. We are with them in participating in conveying the truth. We only have the word and we realize its value, even though we feel that it is the weakest of faith. Salute to all who defend the freedom of the press and the freedom of the Palestinian people, and we have no choice but to do so. Defending it… Al-Balshi concluded by saying, “Long live free Palestine and long live Egypt.”

Today, the Journalists Syndicate organized a celebration of the 83rd anniversary of its establishment, which was established on March 31, 1941. A celebration was also held on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the… Palestinian land; In commemoration of the efforts of the Arab masses.

The ceremony was opened by journalist Gamal Abdel Rahim, a member of the Syndicate’s Council, and he said that there were 50 years before the establishment of the Syndicate, which is a history of struggle before its establishment in 1941. Abdel Rahim gave greetings to the fellow journalists who attended the ceremony. The Palestinians, and asked the audience to stand for a minute of silence for the souls of the martyrs.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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