Middle East

Ashraf Rashad: The President’s speech is an announcement of the completion of the bright picture of the face of the great nation

Engineer Ashraf Rashad Al-Sharif, Secretary-General and Vice-President of the Mostaqbal Watan Party, said that the president’s speech at the beginning of the new era is an announcement of the completion of the bright picture of the great face of the homeland, and it is a new starting point on the bright national path. Towards the dawn of proud Egypt.


Rashad added: The skeptics have been betrayed by logic, the haters have lost their strength, the bats of darkness have swarmed their nests and left the homeland to squawk from afar in the void, and our Egypt has become stronger and more fortified, assuming its historical national role in serving its nation and its Arab causes, not paying attention to any bidder or skeptic, and has become more splendid and luminous. In terms of construction and civilization, it is comparable to the ranks of great nations.


He stressed that Egypt has become capable of defeating its reality suffering from financial and economic crises, and has fortified itself with signs of victory over all difficult circumstances, and has surveyed the crescent of a bright future. Stressing that our Egypt today is different from the Egypt of yesterday. It suffers, but stands on solid ground. It challenges, but its structure is higher, higher, and higher. It confronts, but realizes where to place its steps.


He continued: “Today we announce to the world that we have not fallen. We continue the blessed path towards perfection, God willing. Congratulations to Egypt on God’s gift to it from the best of its sons, and congratulations to it on its noble knightly president. With God’s blessing, the path continues. And with God’s blessing, we continue the journey towards arriving behind you, our loyal leader.


He pointed out that the beginning was a gift and a rescue for the homeland, as our leader started from his sincere belief in the homeland’s right to freedom, and the citizen’s right to self-determination. Refusing to submit to the groups hired against him, he rose up in anger like a bold lion and set out behind him the masses of the people who loved his valiant knight towards hope for a better tomorrow.


He concluded his statements: " And the face of the country changed, and the days brightened, and the land blossomed and flourished, so that the world prophesied that Egypt was stronger than all difficulties, and that the seven green ones I see blossomed, and they would bear fruit in the near future, with the permission of their Lord. And the time has come to harvest it, no doubt.”

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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