Middle East

Ayman Mohassab, criticizing the Israeli massacres in the Gaza Strip: a clear violation of international law and human values

Dr. Ayman Mohsab, Undersecretary of the Arab Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives, expressed his deep regret over the continued Israeli massacres against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, in a clear and explicit violation  of international law and human values, in full view of all countries of the world, relevant international organizations and the Security Council, noting that the mass graves carried out by the occupation army in one of the medical complexes in Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip are one of dozens of massacres committed since October 7 until now.


Mohassab said that the repeated Israeli violations of the provisions of international law and international humanitarian law affect unarmed civilians, displaced persons, medical teams, and workers of international organizations, which requires immediate intervention from On the side of the international community to stop these violations, conduct the necessary investigations to hold perpetrators accountable, and punish Israel for its failure to adhere to Security Council resolutions regarding the ceasefire, pointing to the policy of collective punishment implemented by the occupation not limited to the Gaza Strip, but also extended to the West Bank, which recently witnessed killings. The destruction and violence over the past weeks is no less brutal and dangerous than what Gaza is witnessing, which threatens to worsen the situation in all the occupied Palestinian territories.


The member of the House of Representatives called for an immediate end to the violence. And the attacks carried out by settlers under the protection of Israeli forces against Palestinian civilians, their property and homes in the West Bank, and an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which witnessed complete collapses at the infrastructure level in addition to the worsening numbers of civilian martyrs, especially children and women, stressing that the international community faces a difficult test. It threatens the collapse of his legal and moral system, and entrenches the double standards with which he deals with international and humanitarian issues when it comes to Israel and the Arabs.


MP Ayman Mohsab wondered: Where are the international human rights organizations in what is happening? Is the humanitarian situation deteriorating in Palestine? Stressing that the Zionist lobby seeks to silence the voices that attempt to criticize the Israeli massacres, through incitement or directing accusations that lack the minimum level of honesty and objectivity, stressing the necessity of international recognition of the right of the Palestinians to live within the borders of their independent state, so it has become inevitable to implement the two-state solution, Declaring the independent State of Palestine on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, is the only path now to stability in the Middle East and the world.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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