Middle East

Minister of Immigration: About $2 billion worth of payment orders for beneficiaries of the Cars for Egyptians Abroad initiative

The Minister of State for Immigration and Affairs of Egyptians Abroad, Ambassador Soha Gendy, announced that the total value of payment orders issued to beneficiaries of the Cars for Egyptians Abroad Initiative amounted to about two billion dollars. She explained that the number of Egyptians registered on the “Cars for Egyptians Abroad” initiative platform To import passenger cars for personal use without customs duties, it has reached 589,724 Egyptians abroad, since the launch of the initiative.


The minister said, in a statement today, Saturday, that it is in response to the requests of Egyptians abroad. The “Cars for Egyptians Abroad” initiative was launched. To import a car from abroad, in two stages, the first lasted for 3 months, and it was approved to extend its work for a new three months. The second stage came for a period of 3 months and was extended for a similar 3 months to allow those who have not yet benefited from the initiative to import a car for themselves, without any customs, fees or Taxes, in exchange for depositing a dollar deposit for 5 years, which is fully recovered at the currency rate at the time.


She indicated that the Council of Ministers approved during its meeting last week the ministry’s request to allow receiving transfers from Egyptians abroad who registered on the initiative’s application and were issued payment orders or who faced obstacles related to the countries in which they reside when transferring the deposit amount, for a period of one month from the date of expiration of the initiative’s law.


The Minister of Immigration added that the Ministry, since the launch of the initiative for cars for Egyptians abroad, has worked to remove all the obstacles they faced, and it has also borne fruit, pointing out that the total value of payment orders issued to beneficiaries of the initiative amounted to one billion and 976 million and 737 thousand and 388 dollars.


She continued that the total transfers that have been made are estimated at 799 million and 462 thousand and 490 dollars so far, and that most of the payment orders are registered for people who have not decided on the car they will send, and then the registration was made with a deposit. For a small car worth about $823, as a reservation and registration in the initiative, then they later add a larger car with a higher deposit when they settle on it, which indicates a doubling of the initiative’s proceeds.


< p>The Minister pointed out that with regard to refunding the deposit differences in the initiative since its launch between its two phases, 2,192 deposit differences out of a total of 2,400 deposit differences amounting to 12 million and 427 million and 211 dollars have been refunded, and they are being paid to the remaining beneficiaries, noting that the number of Egyptians abroad who have paid import duties The car reached 264,639 citizens.


Ambassador Soha Gendy noted that 29,475 cars had been released out of a total of 602,277 cars for which payment orders were issued to Egyptians abroad. Beneficiaries, in accordance with the controls established by law and registration through the electronic application of the initiative.


The Minister of Immigration confirmed that it had been approved to allow the use of alternative mechanisms to benefit Egyptians residing in countries of conflict or who face obstacles in Bank transfer and registered on the application for equality among all, and that the opportunity was provided for a period of one month from the date of the end of the initiative for Egyptian cars abroad, for those Egyptians residing in those countries who registered on the application to complete the process of transferring the entire value of the dollar deposit, and completing the rest of the transfer procedures, as it The Egyptian abroad must have completed the registration process on the “cars application” Before the end of the initiative’s deadline, a registration number was issued to him containing his data.


Ambassador Soha Gendi added that if the Egyptian resides abroad in one of the countries referred to, and is registered on the application cars, he must register a complaint on the application in one of the following ways: either via the hotline or via the official email on the application, or by sending all the following data: (name – registration number on the application – complaint number – country of residence – transfer barrier ) to the Ministry of Immigration, by any available means of communication, whether via email, or the official page of the Ministry via the following link:


She added that the Ministry has devised many solutions and ideas that can be considered for each case separately, provided that these alternatives are made available, During the period of the grace month, in coordination with the concerned authorities, including transferring amounts through exchange companies abroad, or transferring through Western Union, or from a relative’s account from abroad, or bringing the amount from abroad in cash in the dollar currency and proving it upon entry from the air ports. Or the Navy and deposit it into the initiative’s account at the National Bank of Egypt.


The Minister of Immigration confirmed that everyone who proved serious and registered for the initiative through its electronic application did not complete the transfer procedures to link the dollar deposit. He has the right to benefit from the grace period approved by the Council of Ministers, to complete these procedures and pay the full value due before the end of the grace period specified for benefiting from the initiative.

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