
The cooperative movement and civil cooperation organizations support the position of the political leadership rejecting the displacement of the Palestinians

The Egyptian Association for Cooperative Studies confirmed that Egypt was and still is a symbol of civilizations, peace and justice, noting that history testifies to its permanent position in defending human values ​​and its call for love and tolerance.

This came during the conference held by the Egyptian Association For cooperative studies, headed by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Khamis, at the headquarters of the Higher Institute for Cooperative and Administrative Studies in Cairo, under the title & quot; His Excellency the President.. we are all with you & quot;; To declare their full support for President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi’s national positions, in cooperation with the General Union of Cooperatives headed by Dr. Ahmed Abdel -Zahir and the General Union of NGOs and institutions headed by Dr. Talaat Abdel -Qawi. Unraveling solutions that include forced displacement of the Palestinians. They affirmed their rejection of such attempts, which they described as & quot; a crime against humanity & quot, expressing their full solidarity with the Palestinian people who made severe sacrifices over 8 decades in defense of their lands and sanctities. Suggestions related to forced displacement, pointing to his clear and repeated statements that confirm that the solution of the Palestinian issue can only be through the establishment of two states in accordance with international legitimacy decisions. At the forefront of priorities, it maintains its fixed position in supporting Palestinian rights. & Nbsp; At the end of the conference, the participants sent a message of support to President Sisi, confirming that they stand by him in the face of the challenges facing the country, and the importance of preserving the security and stability of Egypt, expressing their confidence that President Sisi will continue his efforts to achieve comprehensive development and permanent peace.

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