
The King Salman Relief Center is implementing a project to dig 290 wells in Niger

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center implemented a joint project with a civil society organization to dig 290 wells in the cities of Dosso, Tillaberi, Tawa, Maradi, and Zinder in the Republic of Niger as part of the Watering the Good project, benefiting 393,390 individuals, with a value of approximately 3 million US dollars.

Under the project, 31 deep artesian wells, 99 medium-depth artesian wells, and 160 shallow wells were drilled using a hand pump with all accessories, including tanks and solar energy systems, with training for the local community, with the aim of providing safe drinking water in the areas. Targeted in Niger, and to help alleviate the suffering of families from bringing water from distant places, and to contribute to establishing stability and social security by providing water that meets everyone’s needs.

This comes within the framework of the efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the King Salman Relief Center. To provide drinking water and support water and environmental sanitation projects in countries in need around the world.





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