Middle East

party "Egyptians"President Sisi’s speech at the Arab Summit confirmed Egypt’s firm position since the outbreak of the Gaza crisis

Counsel Hussein Abu Al-Atta, head of the “Egyptians” Party, member of the Executive Office of the Egyptian Parties Alliance, confirmed that President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi’s speech during the work of the Arab Summit in its 33rd regular session confirmed Egypt’s firm position since the beginning of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip to condemn Targeting and killing innocent people, terrorizing civilians, and rejecting the policies of collective punishment of the people of Gaza, including killing, siege, and forced displacement, which cannot be accepted or justified.


Abu Al-Atta said in a statement. Today, Thursday, President Sisi’s speech at the Arab Summit in its 33rd regular session stressed Egypt’s position on the current developments, and highlighted the pioneering moves that Egypt is taking to end the Israeli aggression on Gaza and reach a radical solution to the crisis in accordance with the decisions of international legitimacy, explaining that President Sisi succeeded in Mobilizing the international community in an effort to stop the military escalation in Gaza and preserve the lives of innocent people.

The head of the “Egyptians” party added that President Sisi’s speech included a review of the firm Egyptian position since the first day of the start of the Israeli violations against the residents of the Gaza Strip, Pointing out that President Sisi stressed in his speech the duplicity of the international community and the lack of common sense in dealing with humanitarian issues. This caused a resounding fall in human values.

He explained that President Sisi stressed that the policy of collective punishment of the people of Gaza, including killing, siege, and forced displacement, are unacceptable crimes in any way, and should be stopped immediately, noting President Sisi’s keenness to send a warning to the world. From expanding the scope of the war if other regional and international parties slide in; This is what Egypt has repeatedly warned against.

He pointed out that President Sisi’s speech is a sincere expression of the will of the Egyptian people towards the Palestinian issue, as he affirmed Egypt’s rejection of the siege, systematic killing, collective punishment, and forced displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, stressing that his speech President Sisi stressed the need for the international community to assume its full responsibility with the aim of achieving international peace and security, noting that President Sisi is moving in wise steps to support the Palestinian cause and at the same time emphasize not harming Egyptian national security.

He noted that President Sisi’s participation At the Arab Summit in its 33rd regular session, it comes as a continuation of Egypt’s role since the beginning of the crisis in making the utmost effort to advance ceasefire efforts and provide safe access for humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, explaining that Egypt’s position is firm and clear in supporting the Palestinian cause by advancing the path Reviving the peace process and the just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue on the basis of the two-state solution in accordance with the decisions of international legitimacy.

He pointed out that the Palestinian issue represents the pivotal and central issue of the Egyptian state and this was clearly demonstrated through all of President Sisi’s movements and his continuous call to stop the war and crimes that committed by the Israeli occupation towards the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, in addition to the continued flow and entry of humanitarian, relief and medical aid to the Palestinian people, explaining that President Sisi’s speech and his participation today in the Arab Summit come to consolidate the multi-dimensional pressure exerted by Egypt to push towards establishing a voice for peace and introducing humanitarian aid in Gaza Strip and the sustainability of the process of its entry, noting the efforts of the political leadership, which represents an important pillar and compass for the Arab movements towards resolving the crisis of the Palestinian issue and unifying the Arab position to reach a political agreement that wins for the people of Palestine.

He concluded that Egypt’s efforts do not depend on the various directions to strive towards Containing the current situation, in addition to lining up the Egyptian nation with all its components behind supporting the Palestinian cause, and supporting the people of the Gaza Strip, leadership and people.


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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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