
The National Movement is preparing a series of training programs, sports courses, and field initiatives…that serve the citizen: pictures

The Egyptian National Movement Party, headed by Eng. Osama Al-Shahed, head of the party, held an expanded meeting with the party’s central organizing secretariat to discuss the party’s organizational plan during the next phase and how to activate and support grassroots formations in centers and departments and attract new memberships so that the party will be an attractive center for youth and active cadres, through courses. Training, education, and practicing activities that meet members’ identities and ambitions by holding football courses, organizing religious and cultural competitions, giving the winners valuable prizes, and other activities that are being prepared for.


Engineer Osama Al-Shahed, head of the party, confirmed that the party will move during the next few period on a number of organizational and political axes so that the organizational structure is supported, strengthened, and built in all central and subsidiary secretariats with Launching a number of national and field initiatives related to the citizen and meeting many aspects of his needs and aspirations in order to achieve a broader spread and greater presence of the party in the Egyptian street.


Participate in the meeting Dr. Ahmed Al-Dabaa, Secretary-General and Vice-President of the Party, Major General Ahmed Al-Beltagy, Vice-President of the Party, MP Abdul-Ilah Abdel Hamid, Secretary of Organization, Khaled Al-Awami, the official spokesman, and all members and leaders of the Party’s Central Organization Secretariat. 

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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