Health and Wellness

Five habits that extend life

Harvard School of Public Health researchers have identified five habits that help extend life and ward off diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Scientists studied the data of 73 thousand women and 38 thousand men over 45 years old, obtained over several decades. They concluded that several key factors influence healthy life expectancy.

Experts pointed out that eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking and alcohol, and maintaining a healthy weight are good habits.

They also named healthy sleep as another important factor in longevity. It turns out that a lack of regular sleep can lead to coronary heart disease, diabetes and obesity. On average, the duration of a healthy sleep is 8 hours, but this number varies depending on the individual.

According to researchers, you need to get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily.
They also advised middle-aged people to keep their BMI in the range of 18.5 to 24.9. Drinking alcohol should be limited to one serving. A woman may drink a glass of wine or beer a day, and a man has two.

The study also found that women who followed these habits had a healthy life expectancy of 10 years longer. Men who follow a healthy lifestyle live 8 years longer without chronic diseases.

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