Health and Wellness

Serious consequences of excess calcium in the body

Internal medicine specialist Professor Osman Erk said that the balance of calcium in the body is important, as too little or too much of this mineral can cause many health problems.

The expert pointed out that calcium is necessary for bone health, and it is also a very important mineral for the nervous and muscular system, as it regulates blood pressure and plays an important role in blood clotting.

The body of an adult person on average contains 1.2 thousand grams of calcium, 99% of this amount is concentrated in the bones, and the remaining 1% is in body fluids. The average diet includes 400-1000 milligrams of calcium. Calcium deficiency (less than 8.5 mg/dL), or hypocalcemia, is most commonly caused by vitamin D deficiency, and parathyroid damage.

Low calcium levels can manifest as involuntary muscle spasms such as epilepsy, numbness in the body, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, and symptoms of heart failure. Chronically low calcium levels can lead to cataracts, dental and nail disease, depression, psychosis, and dementia

Eating too much calcium (hypercalcemia) is also a problem. An excess of the mineral accumulates in the body, and the more calcium is deposited in the blood vessels, the higher the likelihood of atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and heart attacks. High levels of calcium also occur in cancer. This is often accompanied by symptoms such as palpitations, nausea, confusion, depression, constipation, a metallic taste in the mouth, and frequent urination.

To maintain calcium balance, the doctor advised to sunbathe. 20-30 minutes a day will be enough.

In order for calcium to enter the body in sufficient quantities, green leafy vegetables and fruits must be present in the diet. He stressed the impossibility of getting enough calcium from meat, milk and dairy products. In cases where all these measures become insufficient, you should take 2-6 grams of calcium per day and supplement the diet with vitamin D, but before doing this, consult your doctor.

If calcium levels are abnormal in the blood tests, the levels of parathyroid hormone, vitamin D and phosphorous should also be checked.


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