science and technology

How to extend phone battery life

To extend the life of the smartphone battery, you should avoid overheating and do not use a “non-original” charger.
This advice was given in a comment to the newspaper Izvestia by cybersecurity expert Sergei Vakulin.

Often times, overheating occurs when the memory (RAM) and processor are overloaded.
There are several reasons for this: launching powerful games on weak smartphones, using applications that take up a lot of RAM and processor memory, and working in the background for tabs. ”

Cyber ​​security expert Sergey Vakulin also recommended not using thick cases and not covering the smartphone with a cloth or clothing while charging. Explain that if the phone continues to overheat, it is worth unplugging it from the network for a few minutes.

It is also advised not to use “non-original” chargers. For example, from a laptop.

The charger includes a power supply and a USB cable. There is no harm in changing the USB cable. The first role plays the biggest role.
For different devices there is input and output voltage data, usually it is indicated on the block.
The expert explained that when using a non-original unit, the phone may simply not be able to handle it.

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