Middle East

The Ministry of Interior joins orphan children in celebrating Orphan Day in all security directorates across the republic

Within the framework of the Ministry of Interior’s societal role, which aims to build bridges of trust and effective communication in a way that contributes to strengthening the values ​​of solidarity and interdependence between police officers and citizens, and in recognition of the importance of creating a generation capable of assuming responsibility.  

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The Ministry of Interior has always been keen to participate positively in celebrating Orphan Day, which falls on the first Friday of April every year, and to work to provide all means of support to orphan children.







In this regard, the Human Rights Sector of the Ministry of Interior, in coordination with the Medical Services Sector of the Ministry and various security directorates, organized visits to a number of orphanages “for those with special needs – healthy people” ;, and giving the children placed in it some symbolic gifts, as well as giving them a medical examination and dispensing the necessary medications to them for free.




The Traffic and Civil Protection Sector also received a visit from a number of orphan children at the headquarters of the General Administration of Civil Protection in Cairo, as well as establishing a traffic city for children in a school. In Giza, during which children were introduced to traffic rules and traffic lights and given symbolic gifts.







In another context, the security directorates continued to organize visits for orphaned children to the “Traffic – Civil Protection” departments. In various security directorates, to familiarize orphan children with traffic rules and traffic signals, and to introduce them to methods and ways of preventing fire dangers, and they were given some symbolic gifts.


This was met with happiness from the children and those in charge of managing the homes. Taking care of the Ministry of Interior’s interest in young people and its constant keenness to participate in such events.


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